Project ideas

Originally the group, Warren Connor, Ian Shannon, Christina Harmer and I, intended on creating a film trailer for a horror movie. Initial plans and designs were thought up and some research into horror film trailer conventions were looked into but after researching the subject we decided something we had more experience in would be more suited. With a strong taste in music, especially the 'soft rock' genre, the group decided a music video would be more appropriate. We began planning new ideas and researching music videos to understand how we can attempt to create an original piece for our final project.

We gave our group members specific roles as to what they had the most experience in. Warren Connor will be mostly focusing on pre-production using his artistic skills to create story boards. Ian Shannon will be the main cameraman due to his will to pursue this as a career and believes the experience will be vital in the near future. Christina Harmer will be focusing on the editing and post production side of things because of experience in past years studying expressive arts where editing was involved. I will be focusing on location scouting for the video shoot and using my prior knowledge of lighting and such to find suitable locations and will also focus on the design side of things and will help create album artwork.

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